Tiësto in action |
Renowned electronic dance DJ
Tiësto is not content by conquering the global dance floors, he is also now spreading his wings to the fashion scene. Music-news.com reports that he released his own CLVB LIFE clothing line. CLVB LIFE launches with a collection of high-end tees catering to club culture. This line represents the first time the electronic dance music movement has been given a voice in the fashion world. The tees are influenced by the key elements of Tiësto's performances-light, colour, and symmetry. The cutting edge graphics appear on fine cotton tops for both men and women. CLVB LIFE apparel promises to set off the next major shift in contemporary fashion, and demonstrate the influence and power of the millions of fans of both Tiësto and electronic dance music. Tiësto says, "the launch of CLVB LIFE clothing is something of which I'm really proud. Alongside music, fashion is a great love of mine and as I travel the world I pick up inspiration everywhere. I have been working on this collection for a while now and I think it perfectly embodies the attitude of the CLVB LIFE experience worldwide."
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