Sigh....it's that time of the year where compilation albums
will be released one after the other. Some will be good. Some sucks big time,
and others float in the middle.
Now 65 floats in the middle. Yes, there are
mega hits on here, but some of the tracks are seriously dated. The tracklisting, which includes Katy Perry's Roar and Lady
Gaga's Applause, and Macklemore &
Ryan Lewis' Same Love are the only truly hot songs on this CD. I miss the oomph of this double CD. It sounds like the
compilers just had to try and compress songs onto a double disc, forgetting
that some of the songs are really crap! I would have loved to have seen, at
least, Eminem and Rihanna's hit Monster on here, or Eminem's Bezerk, but alas,
that is not the case. If you like old and new songs stuffed together for the
sake of selling, then this is for you. Otherwise, I'm skipping this one.
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