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REVIEW! Coldplay - Ghost Stories
I was very sceptical about this Coldplay CD. The bits and pieces I heard online before
the official release just did not made me go 'awesome'. The sixth full-length studio release for the
alternative rock band led by Chris Martin was influenced in part by Martin's
relationship with Gwyneth Paltrow. So I was expecting boring
feel-so-sorry-for-myself lyrics. I was almost wrong. The CD is an OK piece of
work that only peaked my interest from the 3rd time listening to it. said, "[The CD] is a subdued work that finds Martin and his
band crisply moping through mid-tempo soundscapes and fuzzy electronic touches
that have the visceral impact of a down comforter tumbling down a flight of
stairs." It isn’t worth rushing out to buy. If you haven’t listened to
Coldplay much, go back to their first two albums, Parachutes and A Rush of
Blood to the Head before judging them on Ghost Stories. If you are not that a
big fan of the band but still on occasion listen to their music, give this one
a skip. It won't convince you to like them now. Sorry Chris, better luck next
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