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REVIEW! Die Antwoord - Donker Mag
I said before, I LOVE Die Antwoord
and I was pretty excited when I got to listen to their new CD, Donker Mag. All I can say is WOW! They
are still as controversial as ever, pushing the envelope of their spitting
crude lyrics wrapped up in funky, electro, dance tunes with a nudge of R&B.
For real! Donker Mag does not surprises with titles like “Sex,” “Happy Go Sucky
Fucky” and “Dont Fuk Me.” Says The Harvard Crimson, "The CD is playful,
shameless, and grandiose with a burst of careful meditation from time to
time." So yes, this CD is just FUCKING awesome! (PS: This CD is not for the
faint hearted!)
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