CD REVIEW! Lady Gaga and Tony Bennett - Cheek to Cheek

I have to confess. I was quite hesitant when I heard about the Lady Gaga and Tony Bennett CD. I wasn't sure if it will work. I was not impressed with Lady Gaga's last CD, so I had my reservations about this collaboration. Luckily I was wrong. The "Born This Way" singer's classical training jump to the forefront while singing with crooner Tony Bennett. Cheek to Cheek consists of jazz standards by popular jazz composers like George Gershwin, Cole Porter, Jerome Kern and Irving Berlin. The album was inspired by Tony and Lady Gaga's desire to introduce the songs to a younger generation, since they believed that the tracks had universal appeal. "Cheek to Cheek came out of a very organic friendship and relationship that Tony and I have built over the years and it truly was a collaborative effort. It was important to Tony that this was a jazz record. I've been singing jazz since I was a child and really wanted to show the authentic side of the genre. We made an album of jazz classics, but it has a modern twist," said Lady Gaga. Their collaboration paid off. It's almost like a match made in heaven. This is one CD definitely for the Christmas shopping list.
