Creekers, we know that you are rambunctiously excited to
know which bands will be playing at Jagermeister presents Up the Creek 2015.
Bring out the whifflers to clear the path; come closer; hear hear! Round up
your friends who suffer from Deipnophobia because their mother-in-laws wear
Winklepickers; wake the fudgelling folk and phone your nearest and dearest
friends; your annual weekend of sheer joyful abandon at the Breede River
awaits! The good news is that none of our stages will be overlapping, so you
will not be subject to spaghettification – that is, “the process by which you
would be stretched and ripped apart by such gravitational forces.” Shame on
those quomodocunquizing clusterfists that put up callithumpian parades to
discombobulate the audience. What a waste! Do it properly we say! With no
further ado then dear folk, herewith the first band confirmations of our
fabulous 2015 line up: Zebra & Giraffe, Shortstraw, aKING, Bye Beneco, Al
Bairre, The Black Cat Bones, Taxi Violence, Red Huxley, Manouche, December
Streets, Hot Water, Piet Botha, Grassy Spark, Kite Rider,
The Kiffness and
Diamond Thug.
We know. Habromania right?
That is why we will give you a breather before we announce more bands
in October!
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