One of South Africa's hottest groups,
Freshlyground, isruling the music waves again with the release of their 5th studio album:
TakeMe To The Dance. The band decided to boldly embrace changes sweeping the musicindustry- and entirely self-funded the recording of the album. In addition toclaiming complete ownership of the material, Freshlyground are championingalternative ways of distribution and marketing- and have partnered with Pick nPay for the release of the new record.
Freshlyground |
Says Zolani Mahola “This album has beensuch an incredible journey for the band. The writing process meant that we allhad room to express ourselves individually before arriving at the whole.Recording with Steve Berlin was an absolute dream come true. Loved everyminute… now take me to the dance!" The band built a makeshift studio in acommunity theatre in the middle of the quiet Karoo town, and created a spacewhere, says Peter Cohen “We pushed ourselves on many levels, and as a resultthe record is sonically far less predictable… our collaboration with DJHeadroom on the title track Take Me To The Dance displays the band’sflexibility within genres. Freshlyground have always allowed themselves widelatitude in terms of style-hopping, and I think this album achieves that moresuccessfully than all the others.”
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