Fokofpolisiekar |
To celebrate their approaching 10th birthday, rockers
have just released a double disc offering with a decade of Fokofpolisiekar
Rock-‘n-Roll. The double album consists of FPK fans` personal favourite songs,
as well as all FPK music videos, official and previously unreleased bootleg
stuff. This is the ideal must have for those who have lost their original FPK
CD copies, the younger brothers and sisters of the original followers who were
still in the lower school grades when Fokof first broke the mould and those who
are curious to see some unreleased video material of the band in their early
days. The legendary 5-piece Rock outfit, originally from Bellville, made a
massive impact on the local music scene since their first musical offering, As
jy met vuur speel sal jy brand, in 2003. Since then Fokofpolisiekar has had a
controversial, exciting and successful career to date.
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